Poziv za prijavu na trening u Gruziji – Newspaper theathe metoda s fokusom na ekologiju i eco-influencing

Udruga Inkubator sreće poziva vas da se prijavite na trening u Gruziji – Newspaper theathe metoda s fokusom na ekologiju i eco-influencing!

Gruzija, Tbilisi se ove godine od 18. do 22.11. 2024. (sa danima putovanja od 17.do 23.11.2024) organizira trening za leader i mlade na temu ekologije.  Udruga Inkubator sreće je partner na ovom projektu te tražimo 5 osoba za prisustvovanje treningu. Dvoje leadera i troje mladih. Za leadere godine nisu bitne, a mladi su u dobnoj skupini od 18 do 30 godina. Tema ekologije i eco influencinga se obrađuje putem metode Newspaper Theatre. Dakle riječ je o edukaciji koja se odvija ne engleskom. Okvirni plan edukacije nalazi se u nastavku emaila, detalja plan će dobiti izabrani polaznici na vrijeme.

Newspaper Theatre metoda je kreativna tehnika koja se koristi u raznim sferam s ciljem razvijanja kritičkog mišljenja, te uključuje interpretaciju i prikazivanje aktualnih društvenih problema kroz prizmu vijesti iz novina. Ovu metodu osmislio je Augusto Boal, brazilski kazališni redatelj i pedagog, kao dio svog koncepta “Kazalište potlačenih” (Theatre of the Oppressed). Cilj metode je pružiti ljudima priliku da preispitaju informacije iz medija i razviju kritičko mišljenje o društvenim temama.

Trošak putovanja, smještaja i prehrane plaća se iz fonda Erasmus+ projekta KA220-YOU-000159430 Eco leaders for eco-friendly communities te je za sve sudionike sudjelovanje besplatno.

Prijave su otvorene do 25.10.2024. i nakon njih će se obaviti kratak motivacijski razgovor sa svakim prijavljenim.

Ovdje je link na prijave koje su otvorene do 25.10.2024.

Opis projekta:

The Newspaper Theatre training will take place from 18-22 November. Participants will spend 5-6 hours each day using this method to solve environmental problems. The training will be conducted by 2 newspaper theatre experts from Lithuania.

About the newspaper theatre method:

Newspaper Theatre is a method developed by Brazilian playwright Augusto Boal as part of his Theatre of the Oppressed. It serves as a means to promote critical awareness of social issues through the lens of theater.

Key Components

  1. Selection of Media Content
    Participants choose a newspaper article or media piece that addresses a significant social or political issue. This serves as the foundation for exploration.
  2. Critical Analysis
    The group analyzes the selected text, identifying biases, contradictions, and overlooked themes. This step encourages participants to think critically about how information is presented in the media.
  3. Dramatic Interpretation
    The analyzed content is transformed into a theatrical performance. Participants creatively dramatize the article, using techniques like parody and irony to highlight important themes and engage the audience.
  4. Engagement with the Audience
    After the performance, discussions with the audience take place. Viewers are invited to share their perspectives, suggest alternative narratives, or even act out different outcomes on stage, fostering an interactive dialogue.


The primary goal of Newspaper Theatre is to empower audiences to critically examine everyday events and the media’s portrayal of them. By encouraging active participation, the method transforms spectators into engaged citizens who can question and challenge societal norms.